Take a look at this animation of USS Hartford (SSN 768) surfacing through ice during Ice Exercise 2018 (ICEX).

A submarine smashing it’s way through Arctic ice is certainly impressive from the outside, but what’s happening below the surface?

The Navy posted the above video showing an animation of the Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine Hartford’s surfacing in the Arctic Ocean last week for Ice Exercise 2018, or ICEX. Superimposed on the animation is a live-action view of inside the Hartford as it surfaces.

It’s a tense moment to be sure, but professionals make it look like an easy, almost everyday occurrence.

But surfacing submarines aren’t the only thing happening at ICEX. The Hartford was joined by the Seawolf-class fast attack submarine Connecticut and the Royal Navy’s Trafalgar-class submarine HMS Trenchant. The crews have set up Ice Camp Skate, a temporary camp built on a sheet of ice.

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