The Navy has unveiled a new “detailing marketplace” to succeed the Career Management System–Interactive Detailing for Navy Reserve forces, according to the service.
The new platform, MyNavy Assignment, is designed to provide sailors a “modern interface and user-friendly experience” as they look at and apply for various jobs, the Navy said Thursday. Additionally, the platform allows them to communicate with their command career counselor as well as share their qualifications and experience via a ‘MyResume’ tab.
“We’ve listened to what Sailors are asking for and integrated those capabilities into MyNavy Assignment,” said Capt. Claudia Macon, team lead for the MyNavy HR Reserve Transformation initiative at Navy Reserve Forces Command, in a Navy news release. “Sailors can now expect more options, greater career flexibility and increased transparency when navigating through the detailing process.”

Sailors are also notified when they need to apply for billets through the sailor application lifecycle tracker, which also provides information on the release phases of pending orders and alerts them when they’ve been tapped for orders.
Sailors will be privy to comments made by operational support officers and unit command leadership during the command ranking phase so they can become stronger candidates in subsequent application cycles.
“The entire process is at your fingertips,” said Master Chief Michelle Lang, senior enlisted leader for enlisted assignments at the command, in the news release. “Sailors are able to market themselves for any billet they’re eligible to fill, and if they aren’t selected, the decision-making process is now accessible for all to see.”
Sailors can access MyNavy Assignment by visiting MyNavy Portal.