The senior enlisted leader of a California-based training command is facing court-martial over allegations that he sexually harassed other sailors and engaged in “sexual activity” with junior service members in training.

Master Chief Cryptologic Technician (Interpretive) Adam I. Shucard is the enlisted leader of Information Warfare Training Command Monterey, and the charges against him all involve alleged activity that took place after he arrived at the command in July 2020.

He is accused of “engaging in conduct that constitutes sexual harassment” from August 2020 to August 2021 and also from September 2020 to August 2021, according to his charge sheet.

Shucard is also charged with abusing a training leadership position for allegedly engaging in sexual activity with a sailor from August 2020 to August 2021, “while in a position of authority” over the sailor, a shipmate whom Shucard “knew or reasonably should have known was a specially protected junior Servicemember in initial active duty training,” according to the charge sheet.

He faces another specification of the abusing a training leadership position charge for allegedly engaging in sexual activity with a sailor over whom he had authority from September 2020 to August 2021, the charge sheet states.

Shucard is still the senior enlisted leader for the training command but has been moved to another command “pending the resolution of the allegations,” Naval Education and Training Command spokesman Cmdr. Brian Wierzbicki said in an email to Navy Times.

“CTICM Shucard is presumed innocent until proven guilty of the accusations,” Wierzbicki said.

Shucard did not respond to a request for comment, and his Navy defense attorney also did not respond to calls and emails seeking comment Friday.

The names of Shucard’s alleged victims are redacted in the charge sheet copy provided to Navy Times, so it remains unclear whether more than one person accused him of wrongdoing.

Wierzbicki declined to say how many sailors had accused Shucard of wrongdoing or how the allegations first came to the attention of authorities.

“We will not release this information to avoid affecting any deliberations, findings, sentence at the court-martial, or otherwise prejudicing the due administration of justice before trial,” he said.

Shucard is also charged with four specifications of failure to obey a lawful general regulation for “engaging in a personal relationship” that was “unduly familiar and that did not respect differences in grade or rank” over several time periods from August 2020 to August 2021, according to his charge sheet.

A California native, Shucard enlisted in 1994 and graduated from the Defense Language Institute’s Persian program before undertaking information warfare and information operations assignments worldwide, according to his command biography.

He is slated to undergo a special court-martial consisting of a military judge alone, although the Navy docket does not indicate when the trial will take place.

A motions hearing in Shucard’s case is scheduled for May 27.

Geoff is the managing editor of Military Times, but he still loves writing stories. He covered Iraq and Afghanistan extensively and was a reporter at the Chicago Tribune. He welcomes any and all kinds of tips at

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