Sailors experiencing sexual harassment will now have a confidential reporting option when they are seeking to report such wrongdoing, according to a naval administrative message, or NAVADMIN, released this week.
Such an option seeks to buttress the sea service’s existing informal, formal and anonymous complaint processes for sailors, the message states.
The confidential reporting process went into effect Wednesday, and such reports must be submitted through a command climate specialist or a command managed equal opportunity program manager, according to the NAVADIM.
Upon receipt of the complaint, the climate specialist or equal opportunity program manager will inform the reporting sailor’s commanding officer of the confidential report within 24 hours of receipt, and they will not be allowed to disclose the identify or other personal information about the service member submitting the sexual harassment complaint.
The NAVADMIN states that making a confidential report will not automatically trigger an investigation or disciplinary action, but it will allow the affected sailor to access existing support and referral services.

Sailors with questions about the new reporting option can contact the Navy’s harassment and military equal opportunity advice line at (800)-253-0931, or via email at
Both command climate specialist and equal opportunity program managers must explain the informal, formal and anonymous complaint processes when a sailor reports such beahivor, according to the NAVADMIN.
The Navy plans to host several town halls for command climate specialists and equal opportunity program managers to provide more information on the new confidential sexual harassment reporting process.
Those dates will be posted to
Geoff is the managing editor of Military Times, but he still loves writing stories. He covered Iraq and Afghanistan extensively and was a reporter at the Chicago Tribune. He welcomes any and all kinds of tips at