When a news reporter was late to a Texas Republican Party press conference led by retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West, the cantankerous retired soldier challenged the journalist to do 30 pushups.
The unnamed reporter declined, which West ignored, carrying out his own challenge. The 60-year old veteran, a former Florida congressman who now serves as chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, dropped down on the ground by his podium and gave it the old college try.
Luckily, NBC News reporter Jane Timm caught the stunt on video and uploaded it to Twitter, where the good people of the internet immediately set to work roasting his form.
“Zero, zero, zero go all the way down sir,” tweeted user @ripvanstinkle_.
Better luck next time, big guy.
Sarah Sicard is a Senior Editor with Military Times. She previously served as the Digitial Editor of Military Times and the Army Times Editor. Other work can be found at National Defense Magazine, Task & Purpose, and Defense News.
allen westallen west armyallen west GOParmy push upsarmy ACFTACFTarmy fitnessAllen West PushupsTexas Republican PartyIn Other News