MISFIRE: DoD shouldn’t have waited so long to approve danger pay for troops in Niger
The Defense Department on March 8 announced that troops deployed to Niger, Mali and northern Cameroon qualify to receive imminent danger pay/hostile fire pay, retroactive to June 7, 2017.

Medals & Misfires
MEDAL: Marine Corps fitness test offers smart alternative to running
The other services should pay attention.

MISFIRE: California teacher’s military tirade is just plain vile
The daggers flew this weekend when a disparaging military rant by a California high school teacher went viral.

MISFIRE: Airman’s trumpet-sounding ignorance on Facebook makes everyone look bad
A technical sergeant from Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada came under fire recently after she shared a racially-charged, expletive-laced rant to Facebook.

MEDAL: Killing ISIS with entrenching tools? Yes, please
CSM Troxell's words were motivating, to say the least.

MEDAL: Thank you for your service, MQ-1 Predator
The U.S. military's original unmanned recon drone will retire officially this summer.

MISFIRE: Looks like the Navy is lowering standards
The Navy is retaining more sailors who are failing fitness tests and not getting promoted.

MEDAL: Reversing the drawdown in Europe
The U.S. is investing about $200 million to fix and build air bases in Eastern Europe.

MISFIRE: The sailor who spotted Peter Mims and then went back to bed
This sleepy sailor had the opportunity to be a hero.

MEDAL: All eligible Army specialists and sergeants to go before promotion boards
The new rule will help the Army retain and maximize talent, and also ensure fewer leadership positions remain empty.

MISFIRE: Health care officials have to get Tricare transition right
Tricare is undergoing huge changes, so it's crucial that health care officials and contractors get this transition right.

MEDAL: Review of valor awards proved totally justified
The military-wide review of more than 1,300 valor decorations awarded since 9/11 continues to pay dividends by recognizing the nation’s heroes for their incredible courage on the battlefield.

MEDAL: In Taliban urination case, the military court was right
Pissing on dead Taliban was wrong. But the commandant's heavy-handed treatment of those Marines was worse.

MISFIRE: Abandoning DoD-run schools is a terrible idea
The Pentagon's proposal to turn over stateside military schools to local school districts amounts to a cut in benefits for military children.

MEDAL: Making good use of tech experts, in and out of uniform
If the military wants to recruit and retain tech experts, career paths might need to change.

MISFIRE: Trump should let John Kelly’s son rest in peace
Rarely do we hear a remark from a commander-in-chief that is as off-key and seemingly thoughtless as President Trumps comment on Tuesday morning about combat death of his chief of staff’s son.

MISFIRE: The military should help troops fend off Russian social media bots
DoD owes troops some basic guidance in battling trolls, bots online.