Deadlines for both Tricare and the federal benefits open seasons are soon approaching for the military community, meaning now’s the time to make changes to your health care plans.
Tricare open season runs through Monday, Dec. 10. Some Tricare beneficiaries are also eligible for the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, or FEDVIP. That program’s open season ends Dec. 9. It’s also the time to enroll in the dependent care flexible spending program now offered to active duty service members through the Federal Flexible Spending Account Program, or FSAFEDS.
Changes made during open season take effect Jan. 1, 2025.
Here’s what beneficiaries need to know.
For those eligible for Tricare: Tricare is the health care program for service members, retirees and their families worldwide. If you want to make changes in your plan, such as moving from Tricare Prime to Tricare Select, or vice versa, the deadline is Dec. 10. For more information, visit the Tricare Open Season page. If you’re already enrolled in a Tricare plan and don’t want to make changes, you don’t have to take any action. But you should still check to see if there are changes in Tricare costs that could affect you.

If you’re eligible for a Tricare plan but aren’t enrolled, now is the time to do it. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until the next open season or a qualifying life event, such as the birth or adoption of a child, marriage, divorce, moving or changes to other health insurance.
Because of limitations to online options through Dec. 31, beneficiaries will need to contact their regional Tricare contractor directly to change their plan during Tricare open season.
There are changes in the Tricare contracts starting Jan. 1, 2025, too. Among those changes, TriWest Healthcare Alliance is taking over the West Region contract. Humana Military will continue as the East Region contractor. But six states are switching from the East Region to the West Region. There are some carve-outs of a limited number of ZIP codes in four states where beneficiaries will be in a different region than the rest of their states. Beneficiaries should check their region, look at provider directories and other information to determine their best choice.
And all beneficiaries in the West Region who make recurring payments such as enrollment fees by electronic funds transfer, debit card or credit card need to contact TriWest to provide the new payment information. Those who pay by military allotment don’t have to take action; it will transfer automatically.
Open season doesn’t apply to active-duty service members, Tricare for Life or premium-based plans — Tricare Reserve Select, Tricare Retired Reserve and Tricare Young Adult. These premium-based plans can be purchased at any time during the year. But those in Tricare Young Adult with either the Prime or Select options can only change plans during open enrollment or a qualifying life event.
For those eligible for FEDVIP dental and vision plans: Most retirees and their family members are eligible for dental and vision coverage under the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, or FEDVIP. The deadline for enrolling in or changing FEDVIP coverage is Dec. 9.
Families of active duty, National Guard and reserve service members — as well as Guardsmen and reservists who aren’t on active duty — are eligible for the Tricare Dental Program, which requires separate enrollment.
Those in the military community must be enrolled in a Tricare health plan to be eligible for FEDVIP vision coverage. Those eligible include active duty family members, retirees and their eligible family members and Selected Reserve members and their families.
For military members with expenses for child or adult day care: This is the second year the Uniformed Service Member Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account is available to active duty members, as well as members of the Active Guard Reserve on Title 10 orders. The last day to enroll is Dec. 9. The flexible spending account helps defray the cost of child care and other dependent care by providing tax savings. The Federal Flexible Spending Account Program, known as FSAFEDS, is sponsored by the Office of Personnel Management.
Karen has covered military families, quality of life and consumer issues for Military Times for more than 30 years, and is co-author of a chapter on media coverage of military families in the book "A Battle Plan for Supporting Military Families." She previously worked for newspapers in Guam, Norfolk, Jacksonville, Fla., and Athens, Ga.