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US Naval Academy board hears about handling sea-level rise
The sea level in Annapolis is predicted to rise between 0.6 and 3.6 feet (.18 to 1.1 meters) by 2050, a U.S. Naval Academy oceanography professor said Monday in a briefing about an advisory council helping the riverside academy make decisions on flood-related matters.
Student vets help with Harvey rescue, relief efforts
Last Wednesday, the Student Veterans of America chapter at the University Houston hosted a back-to-school breakfast for its members. A week later, school would be cancelled and their city would be under water. Now, instead of sitting in classes, many of them are treading through flooded streets to help with Hurricane Harvey relief efforts.
Trump meets and tweets as Texas gov praises Harvey response
President Donald Trump sought to showcase the federal government’s response to Hurricane Harvey in a tweetstorm of his own Sunday, marveling over its size like a TV host and announcing a visit to Texas with the natural disaster only just beginning to take its catastrophic toll.
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