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Skill 88: Survive a drowning attempt
If you find yourself tied and thrown under water, retired SEAL Clint Emerson has some tips to survive. Emerson is the author of 100 Deadly Skills.
Skill 58: Barricade an inward-opening door
Learn to barricade an inward opening door in the event your office or home falls victim to an active shooter. Clint Emerson is a Navy SEAL (Ret.) and the author of 100 Deadly Skills. (Daniel Woolfolk and Lars Schwetje/Staff)
Skill 91: Perform a J-Turn
Learn how to perform a J-Turn from Clint — Skill #91 in his best-selling book 100 Deadly Skills.
Deadly Skills Extra: The importance of tire pressure
If you're going to perform high-speed maneuvers, you've got to have the tire pressure to back you up. Retired Navy SEAL Clint Emerson — author of 100 Deadly Skills — shows you how get your tires ready.
Trailer: 100 Deadly Skills with Clint Emerson
Military Times is launching a video series based on the best-selling “100 Deadly Skills' book series. Retired Navy SEAL and survival expert Clint Emerson lays out a step-by-step guide for how to defend yourself, escape and ultimately survive any situation.
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