The Navy vessels will be the first to bear the names of former presidents William J. Clinton and George W. Bush. Cameron John Wagenius is also accused of attempting to sell the stolen call logs of Vice President Kamala Harris. Vance publicly criticized the decision to prosecute the fellow Marine veteran. Trump said he would look at each individual case, rather than issue a blanket pardon for all Jan. 6 defendants. Buoyed by Joe Biden's pardon of his son, veterans advocates are urging the president to use his pardoning power to help veterans with bad paper discharges. Obama joined local veterans groups and scouts in a volunteer event at a Virginia cemetery ahead of Memorial Day. A number of U.S. and South Korean guided missile destroyers and a Japanese warship joined for drills in the disputed East China Sea. Dignified transfers have become relatively uncommon in recent years as the U.S. has withdrawn from conflicts abroad. The Pentagon is one of 31 government sites receiving grants as part of a Biden administration plan to promote energy conservation and clean energy. The service academies are trying to update how they teach future officers to navigate the country’s political polarization. By Gary Fields, AP
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