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Excerpt from ‘The Princess Spy’
Full of adventure and danger, “The Princess Spy” is the story of a woman who risked everything to serve her country during World War II.
Army and DoD post image of Nazi war criminal to commemorate Battle of the Bulge
“We regret the use of the photograph of Joachim Peiper. The intent was to tell the full story of the Battle of the Bulge, which will continue here, by explaining the incredible odds that were stacked up against the American Soldier by the time the reserve was called in on 18 Dec,” the Army airborne unit tweeted Tuesday morning.
Undefended shore: American antisubmarine operations in 1942
In 1942 American merchant ships up and down the Atlantic Coast were being relentlessly attacked by German U-boats. Why did the U.S. Navy secretly decide to leave them unprotected?
Trial by fire in the Coral Sea
The Battle of the Coral Sea was a tactical defeat for the U.S. Navy that also proved to be a significant strategic victory.
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