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Coast Guard: As many as 34 dead in California boat fire
Five crew members who jumped off the dive boat Conception were rescued, and Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Kroll told The Associated Press the Coast Guard was searching for others who may have been able to escape the same way.
Coasties rescue lost diver
The crew found her miles away from the shipwreck she had been exploring.
Dead by their own hands: Why the Germans scuttled a fleet
Just a few fathoms below Scapa Flow’s dark surface lie the remains of a navy — four battleships and four light cruisers of the Imperial German High Seas Fleet, scuttled by their own crews in 1919 in the largest act of self-destruction in naval history.
Trial by fire in the Coral Sea
The Battle of the Coral Sea was a tactical defeat for the U.S. Navy that also proved to be a significant strategic victory.
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