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Trump says Google is committed to US not Chinese military
Amid growing concern about the risks of Google and other U.S. companies doing business in China, President Donald Trump said Wednesday that the CEO of Google has "strongly stated" that he is "totally committed" to the American, not Chinese, military.
Behold, a CAC-free future!
The Navy is testing mobile applications that promise to give sailors CAC-free access to their service records.
Coast Guard suspends search for man who fell off pier
Alaska State Troopers, Kake residents, Village Public Safety Officers and even a remotely-controlled underwater drone had joined in the hunt while a Coast Guard Air Station Sitka MH-60 Jayhawk rescue helicopter scanned the shoreline and surrounding waters.
Senators blast Facebook, Twitter, Google in Russia probe
Exasperated U.S. senators harshly criticized representatives of Facebook, Twitter and Google at a hearing Tuesday for not doing more to prevent Russian agents interfering with the American political process as early as 2015.
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