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Setback in the Solomons
Punctuated by tactical ineptitude, the World War II Battle of Rennell Island slowed American momentum in the South Pacific.
Payback at Balikpapan
Only weeks after Japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, four stalwart destroyers demonstrated that there was still plenty of fight left in the U.S. Navy.
Unsafe intercepts involving NATO aircraft have decreased, and often are the result of a ‘hot-dogging’ pilot, top general says
“In many of the cases where they’re unsafe, when you take a look at the experience level of the operators that were involved, it typically turns into a young man or woman that was probably just hot-dogging it a little bit more than they should." - U.S. Air Force Gen. Tod Wolters, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe and commander of U.S. European Command
Russia wants probe on alleged South Korea airspace violation
Russia wants an investigation into South Korea’s allegation that a Russian military plane violated South Korean airspace, a senior lawmaker said Wednesday, citing Moscow’s acting ambassador. The U.S. called for close consultation between Washington and Seoul to deal with similar incidents in the future.
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