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VCNO hints reforms looming for Navy’s JAG Corps
Amid a string of JAG scandals, Adm. Bob Burke revealed concerns retired CNO Adm. John Richardson harbored after asking the Navy's attorneys "to go look hard at yourselves and what you need to do to address these issues."
Who’s the Navy’s next CNO?
Maybe a White House with a flair for the dramatic could shake up the highest levels of the Navy's officer corps.
Relearning the lessons of BALTOPS
On the doorstep of a resurgent Russia, a force of 8,600 personnel from 18 nations on board 50 ships and two submarines practices war at sea.
Carrier sends message to Iran
The Abraham Lincoln, with its contingent of Navy escort warships and a fighting force of about 70 aircraft, is the centerpiece of the Pentagon’s response to what it calls Iranian threats to attack U.S. forces or commercial shipping in the Persian Gulf region.
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